Comments by Tim Maynard-Transportation Director-Obion County Schools
Aaron Smith came to work for Obion County Schools in 1969. He had only planned on driving for a year or so but instantly fell in love with the kids and driving the bus. Aaron drove the bus without incident for 46 years taking off only for the death of his wife Charlotte and a few illnesses as he aged.
I remember one instance when it had been reported that he was so sick, that he was practically crawling on and off the bus to cover his route. We had to make him take off long enough to recover. Aaron came from a generation of people who believed in not missing work. Many times he would
say "If a man has a job, he had better be there to do it and do it well."
The kids on his route would tell you that he was strict but they didn't want anyone else driving them. He had gone so long without missing work that none of the sub drivers knew his route. When Aaron retired we had to show the sub for that area the route as they had never driven it.
Aaron Smith was a true professional in his field and Obion County lost a great employee when he retired.