Rosie Holder was born in Putnam County, in Buffalo Valley. Moved to Sumner County when she was 7 years old. She married at the age of 13 and has been married to Bud Holder since 1961. Rosie has 5 children, 5 grandchildren, and 2 great grandchildren. She grew up driving trucks and tractors on the family farm. Driving a school bus was mentioned and she thought to herself, “I can do that. I love kids” So, in August of 1970 Rosie became a school bus driver. Soon after beginning her career as a school bus driver, she was asked to drive the Gallatin High School band trips. She transported the Gallatin Green Wave Band for 46 years. She gave it up when her husband’s health started to decline. When Rosie’s not working on the bus, she loves to just be at home. That’s her all time favorite thing to do. She also loves attending church. When she can vacation, she loves to visit Florida with the family tagging along with her. When Ms. Rosie was asked to sum up her years as a school bus driver for Sumner County Schools, she said, “It’s been a blessing. I love kids. I tell people all the time that if you don’t like kids, you can’t do this job. I see kids out and about, and they come up to me because they remember me, and honestly there have been so many of them that I can’t always remember names. I’m pretty good with faces. If they tell me where I picked them up at, then I can usually recall who they are. This is definitely the job for me.”